Advancement Advisors Group


Combined, the Advancement Advisors team has more than 100 years of experience in the professional fundraising field. Along with the Advancement Advisors blog, our professionals are frequently asked to contribute to the local and national conversation on fundraising in the nonprofit sector. Below are just a few of the many topics we’ve been invited to address.​

What are You Telling Your Clients for 2024?​
In 2023, nonprofit consultants navigated an unpredictable landscape marked by economic volatility, a flat Giving Tuesday, and a significant surge in the accessibility of AI technology.
Making Your Org Essential: Fundraising Trends for 2024
Building meaningful relationships will continue to be key. This takes time and patience.
Leveraging Lessons Learned in Post-Pandemic Fundraising
In 2020 we saw a significant leap in online giving. Although many anticipated a dip from that pandemic-related increase, online giving has remained steady, even as the world opened up and in person meetings became possible again.
Congratulations and Heartfelt Thanks to Janet Barlett​
Janet Bar1ett, CFRE, a consultant with Advancement Advisors since our founding in 2016, is retiring on July 1, 2020, capping off a stellar 33-year career in fundraising.
Be Certain You’re Prepared for Uncertainty
Just when we thought we were out of the woods, new strains and variants of the COVID virus have sent many fundraisers scrambling, again. Rather than waiting for things to ‘return to normal,’ smart fundraisers are getting better at planning for uncertainty.
Raise Your Hand If You Have A Plan
Raise your hand – how many of you have a formal fundraising plan? Don’t be embarrassed, in a survey of over 800 fundraisers and board members, international fundraising consultant Gail Perry found that only 43% actually had a fundraising plan in place. In fact, 20% had no plan at all.

Tip Sheets

Looking for quick information on key elements in your fundraising program? Need information to share with your executive team or development committee as part of your planning process? Download and share Advancement Advisors’ tip sheets below for easy-to-understand information to help advance your fundraising efforts.
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Engaging Your Board in Fundraising
Board members are pivotal in the success of your nonprofit organization. In addition to setting the strategic direction, managing finances and providing governance oversight, they also play an invaluable role in your fundraising efforts.
Rethinking Events as Part of Your Fundraising Plan
The current situation has been hard on all nonprofit organizations, but for those that rely heavily on event fundraising, the impact could be catastrophic.
Engaging Your Donors
According to recent research from the Veritus Group, there are three main factors that donors use to choose a charity to support financially – results, trust, and personal connection.
Building a Planned Giving Program
More than 80% of all planned gifts are bequests – they are easy to discuss and understand, to facilitate and acknowledge.
Creating an Effective Fundraising Plan
A good development plan should start with an analysis of your development activities, either a formal audit or informal survey of the current state of your program.
Major Gifts
Industry-wide statistics show that major gift fundraising is the most efficient method of fundraising with the lowest cost for each dollar raised.
Using Research to Improve Results
Nonprofit organizations are always looking for new donors, but it’s often best to start with your existing donor base for the most effective and cost-efficient results.

Perspectives Videos

Want to learn more about Advancement Advisors? These videos provide an overview of what differentiates Advancements Advisors and how those differences can benefit you and your organization.​